Be a Champion of Help and Hope–Fighting Cancer Together
- $25 Provides a gas card so the patient can drive to and from treatment
- $50 Provides a grocery gift card to purchase the food necessary to stay nourished while undergoing treatment
- $75 Provides payment for Phone bill so a patient is not cut off from emergency services
- $100 Provides payment for utility bills so a patient can have electricity, gas or water
- $250 Helps with car payments or car insurance premiums so the patient does not have to worry about getting to treatment, the doctor or running errands
- $500 Provides cancer patient with a Champion of Help & Hope Basket
- $1,000 Helps pay for a cancer patient’s health insurance premium. This allows a patient
- $2,500 Provides a family with payment of mortgage, rent utilities, car insurance, car payment and/or health insurance for one month

A new initiative of Cancer Alliance of Help and Hope (CAHH) is to deliver all of our clients with a “Champions of Help & Hope Basket.” The basket consists of household and personal essentials in addition to a $200 gift card from Publix Supermarket and a $50 gift card for gas to help ease the financial burden and stress during our client’s time of need. Please consider sponsoring a basket for $500 or donate the following items.
Towels | Washcloths | Detergent | Shampoo | Toothpaste | Paper towels | Windex | Lysol Wipes | Hand soap | Hand sanitizer | Dishtowels | Dish soap | Candles | Pot holders | Chapstick | Plastic containers | Notecards | Bathrobes | Toys & stuffed Animals | Gift cards | Scarves | Plush blankets | Magazines
memorial gift
What better way is there to honor a loved one than to make a gift in their memory that supports local cancer patients in need?
Your gift in honor is a fitting tribute to someone special. Your support provides financial assistance to local cancer patients in need with their non-medical bills.